Thursday, July 1, 2010
Book Co-Authored by Vincent J. Quatrini, Jr. named a "Best Buy"
The Pennsylvania Bar Institute recently named "Workers' Compensation: Practice and Procedure" one of its "Best Buys" for 2010. Vince Quatrini has co-authored the book, which is known informally amount workers' compesation attorneys and judges as the "Bible" for anaylsis of caselaw and regulations, for 20 years.
The book has been previously honored as "Outstanding Achievement in Best Programs" in 1999 and "Professional Excellence in Technology" in 2000 by the Association for Continuing Legal Education (ACLEA).
For more on Vince and the Workers' Compensation Department at Quatrini Rafferty, please visit our website at or contact us by phone at 1-888-288-9748.
- Quatrini Rafferty -